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Yuval Eylon and Liran Antebi," The Unmanned Maritime Threat: Implementing Lessons From the Aerial Theater",INSS Insight No. 1869, July 3, 2024. 


Liran Antebi, "The Escalation in the Drone War between Hezbollah and Israel". INSS Insight No. 1861, May 30, 2024. 

Liran Antebi and Or Adar, "FPV Drones: From the Ukrainian Battlefield to the Middle East", INSS Insight No. 1825, February 8, 2024,


Matan Yanko-Avikasis and Liran Antebi, "The Iranian-Backed Aerial Threat: More Than Just an Israeli Problem", INSS Insight No. 1789, November 22, 2023,

Yael Ram and Liran Antebi, "Deep Fake in Swords of Iron: A Battle for Public Opinion", INSS Insight No. 1779, November 5, 2023,

Liran Antebi and Matan Yanko-Avikasis," Life and Death in the Hands of the Drone: The Small, Cheap Devices Early in the Swords of Iron War", INSS Insight No. 1772, October 26, 2023.

Inbar Noy-Freifeld, Liran Antebi, Yarden Assraf. "Generative AI and National Security: Conference Summary", Special Publication, August 22, 2023.

Inbar Dolinko, Liran Antebi, "Embracing the Organized Mess: Defense AI in Israel": DAIO - Defense AI Observatory - DAIO Study 23|15.   

Liran Antebi, Amikam Norkin. "One Year into the War in Ukraine: Israel's Preparedness for the Changing Aerial Threat" INSS Insight No. 1694, February 26, 2023

Liran Antebi, Iranian Drones in Ukrainian Skies: Not the Battlefield of the Future that Was Expected, INSS Insight No. 1654, October 31, 2022.

Eden Kaduri, Liran Antebi, Meir Elran, To What Extent is Israel Prepared for the Growing Threat of UAVs? INSS Insight No. 1635, August 28, 2022.    

Liran Antebi, Has Artificial Intelligence Triumphed over Terrorism? in Vortex, No. 3, June 2022.  

Liran Antebi, A Fake Threat or a Real One? Deepfake and the National Security Challenges. Memorandum No. 220, INSS, February 2022. (Hebrew Only)

Liran Antebi, The Technology Arena: Maintaining the Regional Qualitative Edge. In Strategic Survey for Israel 2022

Liran Antebi, "The “Other Side’s” Unmanned Systems: After Operation Guardian of the Walls". INSS Insight No. 1477, June 1, 2021.

Liran Antebi, "Giants Together: Opportunities and Challenges in Collaborating on Artificial Intelligence Between the United Arab Emirates and Israel". EPC, May 3, 2021.

Liran Antebi, Artificial Intelligence and National Security in Israel, Memorandum No. 207, INSS, February 2021.

Liran Anetbi, Technology and National Security in: Strategic Survey for Israel 2020-2021, INSS. December 2020 

Liran Antebi and Gil Baram, “Cyber and Artificial Intelligence— Technological Trends and National Challenges” in: Cyber, Intelligence, and Security | Volume 4 | No. 1 | March 2020


Liran Antebi and Inbar Dolinko, “Artificial Intelligence and Policy: A Review at the Outset of 2020” in: Strategic Assessment, Volume 23, No. 1, January 2020

Liran Antebi, “The Proliferation of Autonomous Weapons Systems: Effects on International Relations” in: Editors: Carmit Padan, Vera Michlin-Shapir “National Security in a “Liquid” World” Memorandum No. 195, INSS, October 2019


Aviad Mendelboim and Liran Antebi, “Hamas and Technology: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back” in: Strategic Assessment, Volume 22, no. 2, July 2019



Liran Antebi, “Global Changes in the Proliferation of Armed UAVs: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities Facing Israel” in: Cyber, Intelligence, and Security, Volume 2, No. 2, December 2018

Liran Antebi, “The International Process to Limit Autonomous Weapon Systems: Significance for Israel” in:

Strategic Assessment, Volume 21, No. 3, November 2018



Gabriel Boulianne Gobeil and Liran Antebi, "The Vulnerable Architecture of
              Unmanned Aerial Systems: Mapping and Mitigating Cyberattack Threats" in
              Cyber, Intelligence, and Security Volume 1, No. 3.


Boaz Zalmanowicz, Liran Antebi and Gal Perl Finkel," Unmanned Ground Vehicles

in Development and Practice: Israel" in Digital Infantry Battlefield Solution. Concept of Operations. DIBS project. Part Two. Editors: Uģis Romanovs and Māris Andžāns. Milrem in cooperation with Latvian Institute of International Affairs Latvian National Defence Academy, August 2017.


Liran Antebi, "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Asymmetric Warfare: Maintaining the   

Advantage of the State Actor" in The Quiet Decade. Editors, Einav Omer and Siboni Gabi, Dekel Udi. Memorandum No. 167, Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies, July 2017


Liran Antebi and Udi Dekel, "The New United States Policy against the Islamic State:

Ramifications for Asymmetric Warfare" INSS Insight No. 942, June 20, 2017


Liran Antebi, "The eye in the sky: Benefits and challenges in the use of UAV's for Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance " in

Challenges Facing Israel's Intelligence Community. Editors: Shmuel Even and David Siman Tov, June 2017.




Liran Antebi, "It’s Not the Tool, It’s the System: Use of UAVS by the United States"   
                       in INSS Insight No. 766, November 12, 2015.


Liran Antebi, "The UN and Autonomous Weapons Systems: A Missed Opportunity?"

in INSS Insight No. 707, June 9, 2015.


Yoav Zacks and Liran Antebi, Editors, The Use of Unmanned Military Vehicles in

2033: National Policy Recommendations Based on Technology Forecasting Expert Assessments. Memorandum No. 145, Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies, December 2014.  



Liran Antebi, "Changing Trends in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: New Challenges for

States, Armies and Security Industries" in Military and Strategic Affairs, Volume 6, No. 2, August 2014


Liran Antebi, "A Drone with No One to Claim It" in INSS Insight No. 604, September

8, 2014.



Liran Antebi, "The United States: Prepared and Fit for Military Intervention in Iraq?"

in INSS Insight No. 567, July 1, 2014

Liran Antebi, "Controlling Robots: It's not Science Fiction", in: Arms Control and

National Security: New Horizons.  Memorandum No. 135, Tel Aviv: Institute for National Security Studies, April 2014



Liran Antebi, "Who Will Stop the Robots?" in Military and Strategic Affairs, Volume

5, No. 2, September 2013


Liran Antebi, "It is not the Robots Who Kills", February 23, 2013. Haaretz

Newspaper. (Print and digital editions)



Liran Antebi, Drones at the service of democracies: the Impact of the UAV's usage

during counterinsurgency, 2000-2009. M.A Thesis, (2010: Tel-Aviv University) (Hebrew).

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